Why is it that they throw meaningless acts at Black people and act like they’re so supposed to mean something.

Juneteenth doesn’t mean a thing to me.

Black History Month is a sham.

The Governor of Louisiana posthumously pardoning Homer Plessy 97 years after he died is nothing more than an empty symbol.

I understand why they didn’t want black people to know how to read. Once we could read we could never be made to accept the status quo again.

You know what the words really mean. While Brown v. Board of Education is credited with doing away with the doctrine of seperate but equal you have to know that there is always small print and then be able to read it. In the Supreme Court decision in Brown versus Board of Education the court said that the board should move with all deliberate speed to desegregation the schools. Just for giggles look up the definition of the word deliberate. Focus on deliberate as a verb. It’s eye opening. Basically the Supreme Court was telling the Board of Education to take all the time it needed.

The US Supreme Court was never a friend to black and indigenous people. It was true 250 years ago and it remains true today. I’m tired of meaningless symbolism.

Eyes Wide 👀 👁 Open!!!

6 Responses

  1. More so today than ever! The actions of the clowns in gowns shows that racism and bigotry is alive and well in america.
    You say what I feel so much betterthan I. I’m
    disgusted with all branches of government. This is not a government for the people, the elected representatives are not doing the will of their constituents.

  2. This latest move by the Biden/Harris Presidency to nominate a Black Woman to the Supreme is somewhat symbolic in nature especially since his No. 1. Candidate is not a friend of Justice for BlackFolks. Her record is of a definite Bootlicks Nature seeking the White gaze. Review her stand on cases concerning Black Folks in her State where she practices as a Judge, it’s despicable. All Skin Folks ain’t Kin Folks. https://www.crowdcast.io/e/the-case-against-

  3. Today’s news astound me,Loretta lynch representing the NFL,defense attorney, against charges brought by a black man seeking equality in the franchise! SMDH🤦‍♀️ Make it make sense????

      1. There’s some things you don’t do for money, selling out your community! What happened to pride in leaving a legacy!
        Tarnished, “all skin ain’t kin”!