The con game is real. They always want to talk about American exceptionalism. Exactly what is that and how do we demonstrate it?

I read a comment where someone said that we’re better than those places with dictators, royalty, and oligarchs. That represents a pretty low bar for establishing American exceptionalism. Actually what we are is a great imposter. Imposter is defined as “a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.” Change the word person to country and you have the definition of what America is.

We had the potential for being exceptional but we squandered it and today we find ourselves struggling with the aftermath of centuries of deceit. The founders knew that there was great hypocrisy in the American Constitution. They knew that enslaving other human beings for economic prosperity of the few was wrong but they allowed it for political expediency. They knew that the notion of one man one vote was a fiction. They knew that the electoral college was their way of assuring that who became President was never determined by the vote of the people. We were never exceptional.

Our slide into this ugly morass puts our public education system at mediocre.The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. We are now censoring what we allow students to be exposed to by banning books that do not conform to our historical narrative. Would an exceptional nation do that? We are not exceptional. We are flawed and rather than seeing the flaws and working to improve upon them we choose to cover them up.

We could have a society where every human being could have a decent standard of living but that would conflict with runaway capitalism. Our social structure is all about the individual and sacrifices the good of the whole. We are not exceptional.

Until we except the truth we can not get better. I don’t know about you but I want to get better. The system won’t change until we open our eyes and change. The signs are all around us that what we are doing now is unsustainable. Time is running out.

Pay Attention!
Eyes Wide 👀 👁 Open!!!