We don’t teach enough history in this country and we’re all the worse for it.

I wrote a commentary earlier today about the danger of what Mr. Orange Marmalade had to say about tearing up the Constitution. In it I said this was the beginning of his scorched earth policy. We’ve seen what happens when a fascist authoritarian decides that going scorched earth is better than considering the welfare of the country.

As 1945 began Adolf Hitler knew that the end was upon him. He knew that extending the war would only mean more pain and destruction for his people. He Didn’t Care. He felt that because the German people had failed to deliver a victory for him that they disservice to suffer. Suffer they did.

Fast forward to now. Mr. Orange Marmalade doesn’t give a damn about the American people. He cares about his own ego. Just like Hitler was willing to advance a scorched earth policy in Germany Trump is also willing to burn down America around him. He’s told us in a thousand and one different ways. From telling US service member men and women that they were chumps to fomenting Civil War. He doesn’t care about the cost so long as he wins.

The history is plain. The longer we allow Trump to politically be a factor the more we jeopardize the health and welfare of the country. Why are we not paying attention to the consequences of repeating history??

Pay Attention!
Eyes Wide 👀 👁 Open!!!