The fascination with guns in the US is driven by our inability to live in peace with our fellow citizens. We fear each other because of an ugly history that we still refuse to talk about.

There are two reasons to have a gun. One is to put food on the table. The second is to put a permanent end to dispute.These personal disputes have been raging sense the dawn of man. First it was rocks, then it was slings and arrows. Then blades and finally guns. There’s a unique kind of irony to the US fascination with guns. We claim to be the greatest Democracy in the world but we can’t master our fear of the people who live next door to us.

I’m tired. All night my mind is tortued by what we really are. As Marvin Gaye would say it just makes you want to throw up your hands.

Pay Attention!
Eyes Wide 👀 👁 Open!!!